Monday, August 8, 2011

Think I have a lot of pet peeves?

This guy sounds like a nightmare! my freshman year college roommate was horrible as well. She was Latina, which I couldn't care less about, but she hated white people and she was convinced that just because my family has money, I have no problems. She would bring in large groups of friends, and sometimes they would stay around even after she was asleep....I kid you not, they "watched her sleep". She was always sick with some cold, she even brought a guy home and told everyone it was me because she didn't want her boyfriend to find out! She would watch the TV, watch an episode on her laptop, and play music ALL AT THE SAME TIME! And then, whenever I wanted to watch a specific show, I'd ask her and she'd say, "Uhh...I was planning on flipping around at that time." As if her aimless channel-surfing was more important than a specific season finale. She was so heinous, but there was really nothing I could do because she scared the living daylights out of me. So I just hung out in my boyfriend's room more and more until I hardly saw her. And then sopre year I got a single room, instead of one with a roommate. I suggest you just try not to interact with him. If he asks you why you're being cold, just tell him that you don't think he's been very respectful and if he wants to talk about it, he will. if not, he'll just be immature and ignore you too.

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