Monday, August 8, 2011

Can anyone answer this legal question? Lawyer or someone who know the law please?

My father has had money his whole life, parents were rich, he was mormon, went to BYU. He had a good life. I was born, he didn't pay for that, i hard multiple broken bones didn't pay for that, surgery at 15 gallbladder taken out. Times i went to the emergency room because i was sick. he didn't provide for me, my mother and my grandmothers basically took care of me. There the ones that couldn't afford the health care and dental care. My dad has his own fence company here in the bay area. He owns a house in gilroy thats worth at least 500,000 and he has 850,000 in his bank account right now. Along with two other accounts holding at least 250,000 dollars making interest every week. He has a 2000 dodge neon, 2005 ford f150, a 2007 ford focus. The guy is well off, he neglected me as a child. He straight up claimed me on his income tax for 18 years, he still is, i had to call the IRS last year for them to send me my stimulus and i was working. Can i sue my father for past child neglect?

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