Sunday, August 7, 2011

Adobe premiere pro error, I can't save my video that is 3 minutes long.?

Okay so, I got this really awesome 3 minute video done on there, only problem is that I can't export it as usual.. I don't have Internet on my desktop so thats probably why my typing sucks anyways I need a solution to this error im getting everytime I try to export it goes a little bit over 50% of exporting into a QuickTime file.. And then this error pops up and cancels the export the pop up says "premiere pro debug event, premiere pro has encountered an error. [..\..\Src\PPixHandleUtilities.cpp-144]" and the only option it gives me is continue but once I click it many more of that same error windows pop up and once I cancel them all I get a small error saying "Error compiling movie." please help adobe premiere is such a good program I'd hate to have to stop using it and go back to windows movie maker it just sucks :( please help me.

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